
So, what is your real name, bastard?

So, what is your real name, bastard?

I wonder how many times they had to practice. The two voice actors are amazing.
Chết vì... tên của đối thủ quá dài

Q: What do pirates do when they are bored?

Q: What do pirates do when they are bored?
A: Take selfies.

Originally shared by Juan Quaglia

Selfies of the Caribbean.


Table tennis - only real without robots!

Table tennis - only real without robots!

Nah, not the game itself. But do you remember the video of Timo Boll playing against an industrial roboter? Fake.

Or the other video, with a homemade robot playing in a garage? Fake too, though pretty well done: An advertising agency did it to generate attention, with video, blog posts over several months etc...

Linked article is in German, sorry.


Too much time...

Too much time...

Someone built a mini city, or actually its roads, over four years, as a kinetic sculpture, letting model cars buzz along. Watch the video...



He's here.

He's here.
Update: No, he's not... :-(

via Christopher Vallo

Originally shared by null

500 Followers and counting! Thank you all! Have a great weekend!


Congratulations, ladies! Have some (eye) candy...

Congratulations, ladies! Have some (eye) candy...

Originally shared by Emily “Syreene” Vitori


Benedict Cumberbatch Official Club 


This isn't quite normal: A few years back I was surprised to see a typhoon warning on the first day of April - no,...

This isn't quite normal: A few years back I was surprised to see a typhoon warning on the first day of April - no, not a joke. Typhoons would usually start (at least they did so in the past) around May/June, because they can not exist without a warm sea.

Now we are into only the second day of March, and here is the first typhoon this year...

Kathryn Kure, this sounds like a solution to a certain problem...

Kathryn Kure, this sounds like a solution to a certain problem...

via Wolf Weber

Originally shared by Tim Southernwood

Important Medical Discovery
Please share!




你確定要把這個叫”文化“?現在晚上20:52。在附近到剛現在連續幾乎半個小時某些人為了某個非常重要的用途有放鞭炮。是同一個地方,不是很多不同人。不是焰火,不是火箭,是單純連續爆炸的鞭炮。沒有任何好看的現象,沒有任何特別的聲音,只有很多很吵的爆炸 - 就像有人開機槍 - 連續幾乎半個小時。現在終於停了。

請不要再跟我說這是你的”文化“。 如果你很高興地做這種事,你沒有文化。

Super powers can be annoying sometimes...

Super powers can be annoying sometimes...

Originally shared by Liz Quilty