
Having fun at work

Having fun at work

Most of the products we make are useful, but rather "dull". This one however... We are using this box for exhibitions and other portable demonstrations of these downlights. They are not normal downlights, they can be controlled, through an interface, and that interface is (drumroll...) DMX-512. (Which means: Disco!)

So on the last day at work before Chinese New Year I simply had to hook this box up to a computer running Vixen 2.1.1 and explore the possibilities. Each light listens on two channels, one for brightness, the other for color temperature, so I tried all four possible modes, with a song I had long wanted to use for something like this:
- C1 controlled by music, C2 is 0 (warm white)
- C1 controlled by musc, C2 is 255 (cold white)
- C1 and C2 are controlled by music (the brighter the light, the whiter it gets, low light is yellow)
- C1 is 60 (~30% brightness), C2 is controlled by music (only color temperature changes)

I personally like the third mode best. And after CNY, I really need to try this with a whole meeting room. That should be fun...

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