
A first attempt at Totoro mantou (饅頭, yeast dumplings)

A first attempt at Totoro mantou (饅頭, yeast dumplings)

My daughter had asked for Totoro cookies, but to avoid those being taken away from her with the "you can't eat too many cookies" line I looked into things that are OK every day, bread and mantou.

Mantou are pretty similar to German Hefekloesse, except that they often have their own flavour and/or some filling.

So I used a recipe for Hefekloesse, then split the dough and added food dye and cocoa, depending on the desired colour.

The belly is just a small disk of white dough, unfortunately it does not grow proportionally to the main body, this is something I need to solve next time, the rest was somehow OK.

Now I'm waiting for the test eater to wake up...

#Totoro #Ghibli 


Ilona Fichtner said...

Wow, das hätte ich nicht gedacht, die sind ja farblich so geblieben. Ich hatte Bedenken, wegen dem Wasserdampf, ok, ok nun kommt die grosse Verkostung :)

Massimo Marengo said...

Ah Totoro is one of my favorite characters, can I have one? :-)

Olaf Fichtner said...

Massimo Marengo if you drop by, sure!

Olaf Fichtner said...

Ilona Fichtner dummerweise hatte ich ein Rezept fuer Hefekloesse genommen, die haben selbst aber keinen Geschmack. Da muss ich naechstes Mal was aendern...

Ilona Fichtner said...

aufschneiden und eine Fruchtsoße dazugeben

Olaf Fichtner said...

Ist hier nicht ueblich. Naja, naechstes Mal...

Massimo Marengo said...

Olaf Fichtner When my niece was little and wanted something while we were doing video chat on the computer, she used to complain that she could not get it "because of the glass". I guess the G+ "glass" would not let Totoro pass through either ;-)

Olaf Fichtner said...

Massimo Marengo well, then either they or you need to get sufficiently quantum-entangled to be transported through the wires... ;-)

Massimo Marengo said...

I am still rooting for Star Trek replicator ;-)

Maia Legazpi said...

Yummm looks tasty! 😋

Olaf Fichtner said...

Maia Legazpi that will happen next time, they lacked a bit sweetness this time.

Olaf Fichtner said...

Christine Maihack yes. My mistake was to use a German recipe, which comes without flavour. That's something I have to fix next time.

Other than that they look OK. Well, prototypes...

Olaf Fichtner said...

Christine Maihack nah, don't get to do that because I rather seldom see my daughter...

Olaf Fichtner said...

Christine Maihack yeah, as Obi-Wan said: Sith happens...