
I made a birthday cake for my daughter's fifth birthday.

I made a birthday cake for my daughter's fifth birthday. Lacking imagination, it was a Totoro cake again, but this time based on cookies. It is not as good as I hoped, but it was interesting.

I had discovered a kind of sweet and brittle cookies and glued a few packs to a block with chocolate. Note to self: next time no brush, only spoon.

I had printed a simple Totoro image in the right size, cut it out and used knives to carve the shape. When I cut out the space between the ears the block fractured, that's why there is chocolate on top.

Most of the wrapping is marzipan. Next time I need to use more water. Making the cake takes time, the marzipan will dry out. The belly is marzipan without food dye.

Then came chocolate: mouth and eyes are white modeling chocolate, everything dark (pupils, nose, arrows, bristles and claws) was drawn using brown chocolate and a toothpick, only the soles are marzipan with cocoa.

You should try this too. If I can do it with my two left hands... Of course, should I ever do this again, there are a number of things I would do differently, that's the problem with doing something for the first time.


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