


Today we made a kind of noodle coming from the people who have to put "le" at the end of each noun - Swabians. These are very easy to make (the noodles, not the Swabians) in terms of both materials and equipment - forget the "Spaetzle sieve", you don't need one.

Spaetzle can easily be varied, for example with cheese (Kaesespaetzle), which we still had. I really can't understand why some people objected to the sauce I prepared, I merely added a single chili pepper...

#nkust #ifad #高科大 #應徳系


Ilona Fichtner said...


Olaf Fichtner said...

John Bump it was just one tiny chili, not even worth mentioning, it was simply a flavour thing...

John Bump said...

I'm familiar with those little tiny chilis, not even worth mentioning. My wife has an entire jar full of them, and they're lethal.