
Crispy waffles

Crispy waffles

This is/was the last week of the semester, of the whole academic year even. By Thursday most exams were over, so we celebrated by making crispy waffles, lots of them.

We filled some with pudding, some with ice cream and sent them out to nearby other department offices after nobody at our office could eat any more. There are still a few waffles in the fridge...

Last week btw we were even more international than usual (there is a girl from Japan studying German here and an exchange student from China also joined our activities) after the English language department sent three exchange students from Thailand over. Communication was "fun" that day (We made sourdough bread.) and I had almost no time for photos...

#nkust #ifad #高科大 #應徳系


John Bump said...

Your crispy waffles look quite thin. Do you know what pizelles are?

Olaf Fichtner said...

John Bump had to look it up. In contrast to the Italians, we rarely keep these flat. Most are rolled into cones, but I also press them into bowls, that's better for pudding.

Ilona Fichtner said...


Carsten Raddatz said...

Ice cream, pudding, waffles, oh my. Yum!

Olaf Fichtner said...

Carsten Raddatz end of academic year, party time...