
Buggy Ingress

Buggy Ingress

Am I the only one having problems with 1.22.0? There may have been occasional startup problems before, but with this version, about 40% of application starts are failures, the software stops responding and needs to be killed. It also often fails to switch to the correct necessary state when I use other applications inbetween.

I never had to force sync before, now I may even need to do this to completely see a portal I equipped myself. And then there was the XM ignorance: Fortunately I took a second screenshot, the first was among enemy portals and was bad. At first I had thought of a new portal option to deny enemy agents XM, but then the same happened at a friendly portal - no XM was taken in. This went away the next day though.

So, maybe this is just me/my phone, but it is not very funny...

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