
Attention: This one will not easily jump onto houses or quickly climb mountains, but it should be faster than the...

Attention: This one will not easily jump onto houses or quickly climb mountains, but it should be faster than the wind...

via Koray Yurday​

#Ghibli #Mononoke

Originally shared by Edmond Pochon


Geschichte wiederholt sich - oder bleibt immer gleich?

Geschichte wiederholt sich - oder bleibt immer gleich?
History repeats itself - or stays the same?

  Nichts Bessers weiß ich mir an Sonn- und Feiertagen
  Als ein Gespräch von Krieg und Kriegsgeschrei,
  Wenn hinten, weit, in der Türkei,
  Die Völker aufeinander schlagen.
  Man steht am Fenster, trinkt sein Gläschen aus
  Und sieht den Fluß hinab die bunten Schiffe gleiten;
  Dann kehrt man abends froh nach Haus,
  Und segnet Fried und Friedenszeiten.

  Herr Nachbar, ja! so laß ich's auch geschehn:
  Sie mögen sich die Köpfe spalten,
  Mag alles durcheinander gehn;
  Doch nur zu Hause bleib's beim alten.

On holidays there’s nothing I like better
Than talking about war and war’s display,
When in Turkey far away,
People one another batter.
You sit by the window: have a glass:
See the bright boats glide down the river, 865
Then you walk back home and bless
Its peacefulness, and peace, forever.

Neighbour, yes! I like that too:
Let them go and break their heads,
Make the mess they often do:
So long as we’re safe in our beds.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust I, published 1808

More than 200 years later some people still like watching and some people still don't mind bashing each others' heads for other people - and the places are not so different...
#Syria #Turkey #Kurds




Life is good for Garfield on #caturday

Life is good for Garfield on #caturday



This should be sold as a set, not separately.

This should be sold as a set, not separately.

Originally shared by Diane Attaway

I like potatoes.


Brilliant idea!

Brilliant idea!

via JiMM GunW​

Originally shared by Agг. Bгуаηт AgLуη

No one can stole it anymore


Wann werden andere Bundeslaender folgen?

Wann werden andere Bundeslaender folgen?

Originally shared by borg drone




Sounds plausible. So, whenever someone asks you, now you know what to respond.

Sounds plausible. So, whenever someone asks you, now you know what to respond.

Originally shared by Lerato Majikfaerie

Words of wisdom for the day.

The wall is almost 400 years old. I'm not sure about the tree.

The wall is almost 400 years old. I'm not sure about the tree.

On your left you see the remnants of the blue sky you enjoyed for most of the day.

On your left you see the remnants of the blue sky you enjoyed for most of the day. On your right please welcome the rain that will trap you wherever you are.

If I catch the guy who was in charge of today's weather...

If you ever happen to be in a Chinese-speaking country during Chinese New Year, I suggest you do not go to any...

If you ever happen to be in a Chinese-speaking country during Chinese New Year, I suggest you do not go to any somehow touristic location. You will very likely feel like fish in a tin can...

On the photo you see (Do you? Really? Do you see anything other than people?) the "Old Anping Street" in Tainan. Or, you would see it if there weren't all those people in the way.

If you can read Chinese, you will already know what kind of dream someone made true.

If you can read Chinese, you will already know what kind of dream someone made true. What you see here is Bacon Cheese Pie.

No, unfortunately it is not just bacon wrapped around cheese, there is also some toast involved. Maybe next time someone can replace the toast with chocolate?

Still, my Zoo went wild when they smelled this...


Better not...

Better not...

Originally shared by Kristian Köhntopp


Hmm, indeed I haven't read of these countries taking refugees.

Hmm, indeed I haven't read of these countries taking refugees. Especially Saudi Arabia prefers to invest into Muslim "freedom fighters", not into fixing the mayhem they cause.

Originally shared by H George Tavakoli


Wohoho... How many people do you need for this? For eating it, of course.

Wohoho... How many people do you need for this? For eating it, of course.

via Rene Dworschak​

Originally shared by Charise Strandberg

This must be the best #Superbowl snack ever.

The same procedure as every year

The same procedure as every year

This is an important part of the Chinese New Year-celebrations, the "going home" in a collapsing traffic part.

When I got my ticket there around 1030, about three or four people were waiting at each counter. (several bus companies, not just one) Still, the earliest single empty seat was available 1500.

I took this photo in the afternoon, before I got on my bus. The queue, or at least one of them (don't ask me which), now starts with the guy in the foreground, in the left corner. The counters (some of them) are barely visible between the two columns in the left half.

I can't imagine for what time these people get tickets, some of them may not depart before tomorrow.

No. No, I can't. I already got myself some new Totoro accessories. Conan has to wait.

No. No, I can't. I already got myself some new Totoro accessories. Conan has to wait.

This is a Totoro backpack, but as you can probably tell from the cookie next to it, it's rather small.

This is a Totoro backpack, but as you can probably tell from the cookie next to it, it's rather small. This is not even for children, this is for plush figures, puppets etc.

This allows so many iterations: You could put a small Totoro in it (it even has two compartments) and put the backpack onto a larger Totoro, which you could then put into a Totoro backpack for people...

Or you could just fill the backpack with Totoro cookies like I did and give it away. Of course, I had to compensate the "loss" of this backpack - with another procurement...

Noch ein kleiner Stupser fuer #neuland

Noch ein kleiner Stupser fuer #neuland

Das ist eine Kombination aus Hotspot und Sitzbank, aufgestellt in einer unterirdischen Einkaufsstrasse in Taibei. Da gibt es nicht nur die eine Sitzbank.

Edit: Halb falsch gesehen, das Kabel da in der Naehe ging nicht in die Bank. Aber jeder Sitzplatz kommt mit Anweisungen zum Einloggen.

Mal ein wenig #neuland aergern: So sieht es aus, wenn man bei Carrefour (relativ billiger Markt) in Taiwan einkaufen...

Mal ein wenig #neuland aergern: So sieht es aus, wenn man bei Carrefour (relativ billiger Markt) in Taiwan einkaufen geht und mal nach WLAN schaut.

Stylized Totoro cookies

Stylized Totoro cookies

My daughter had asked for Totoro cookies and I didn't want to do the same as the first ones, so this time I tried a cookie stick (or whatever you want to call this) for the first time.

The disadvantage is the lack of detail, or else every cookie needs to get its own decoration after cutting, which at this size is a bit difficult.

The basic recipe was for "brittle cookies", colors come from food dye.


"Wer von euch ist die Bundeskanzlerin?"

"Wer von euch ist die Bundeskanzlerin?"

Die Loesung aller Probleme naht.

via Kristian Köhntopp​

Originally shared by Tobi O

Geht ja schon mal gut los in 2016 mit #NeoMagazinRoyale 


It takes a certain skill to screw up so perfectly.

It takes a certain skill to screw up so perfectly.

Originally shared by Diane Attaway


That's a nice lamp...

That's a nice lamp...


Originally shared by Gigi