
Just goofing around. What else are those frontside cameras for?

Just goofing around. What else are those frontside cameras for?

This is called "good weather" here in Taibei. Why? Because at least it's not raining. Tsss...

This is called "good weather" here in Taibei. Why? Because at least it's not raining. Tsss...


OK, this is embarrassing: Yes, this is in Taiwan.

OK, this is embarrassing: Yes, this is in Taiwan. And yes, sometimes there are drivers like this one on our roads. There is no real road test before one can get a driving license, only a parcour on an enclosed area.

And the best bit: This could even be a taxi driver...


Steampunk - nice try, but...

Steampunk - nice try, but...



Ah well...

Ah well...

Investment Opportunities

Investment Opportunities

Youtube suggested the videos of this series to me, introducing products out of Aperture Science research. In this video: Panels.



Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

No, I'm not crazy. (Not completely.) And this wasn't my idea. Blame it on the Chinese. They thought it was a great idea to celebrate new year on a different day each year. Lunar calendar, you know?

Ask a Chinese which day he will celebrate new year next year and he will say "Ah, let me check the calendar." Oh Gregory, thank you for sparing us such trouble.

Anyway, it's time for Nimrod to be scared again by all the explosions outside, for at least two days. (You know, the kitten formerly known as dog.) People already decorated their entrances with new spring festival couplets, here you see a basic and very common example.

No, people don't put animated GIFs on their door frame, they simply put this character upside down. This is "spring", and also a rare example of people actually playing with their language. (Not very common with Chinese.) 春天到了 means "spring has arrived". 到 usually means arrive, but can also be crash, fall. So, putting spring upside down, as if it has crashed, is actually supposed to say "spring is here".

So, if you celebrate it: 新年快樂!身體健康,萬事如意! (If you celebrate this, you can probably read what I just wrote.)

May there always be sunshine/пусть всегда будет солнце

May there always be sunshine/пусть всегда будет солнце

I was browsing Youtube for children's songs when I came across this one, which I had almost forgotten. Yes, this was written in the USSR, but contrary to what you might think, it is not a propaganda song. There is a German version, also an English one and apparently even a Hebrew version is said to exist.

While the song was written in 1962, the four lines of the refrain are from 1928, written by a four-year-old boy:

May there always be sunshine
May there always be (blue) sky
May there always be mommy
May there always be me

In case you are not too familiar with Russian, here are a few other languages:

I think the German version is a bit better than the English one (which in turn seems to be a bit closer than the French version), but IMHO none can completely catch the spirit of the Russian original.



Yes, we got that far...

Yes, we got that far...

Originally shared by Terry McNeil



Via: Cyanide & Happiness

Here in Taiwan, Caucasian people are simply all "foreigners" or "Westerners" (pretty much like in Japan) and "they...

Here in Taiwan, Caucasian people are simply all "foreigners" or "Westerners" (pretty much like in Japan) and "they are all the same."


via Joerg Fliege​

Originally shared by Jürgen Hubert

How do your experiences compare, Sarai Pahla?


Do you have a death wish?

Do you have a death wish?

Try this. (Including filming and then publishing it, of course.)



If you are still unsure whether to get yourself a portal gun or not, here are a few practical applications that...

If you are still unsure whether to get yourself a portal gun or not, here are a few practical applications that might help in your decision process. Being able to really scratch your own back is one serious advantage...



Light may reset Raspi 2

Light may reset Raspi 2

This is funny: Decades ago a friend told me of a computer that would stop working when opened. The culprit was a chip made in USSR, in some brown package, that stopped working when it received too much light. I never thought I would hear of a similar problem again, but it is 2015 and here we go...



Hilarious Western Short

Hilarious Western Short

Here you see what happens when people in a film can actually hear what the narrator of that film says...

via Satyr Icon, who had linked an article with the video. Here is the video itself.



Apple Crumb Cake - cross-cultural dessert

Apple Crumb Cake - cross-cultural dessert

I often hear Taiwanese say that a foreign dish or dessert needs to be "modified", "tweeked" for local taste. I don't like that, and it's not quite necessary. True, there are things some people are not used to, but then again we all live on the same planet, breathe oxygen, will very likely find eggs, butter, sugar, milk, salt and flour in our markets. And apples.

So instead of modifying something and selling it as something it isn't anymore, I prefer making things that can be accepted without modification, and apple crumb cake (Apfelstreusel in German, some wild people apparently like to drown it in chocolate) is one such dessert. So far I only met one Taiwanese who wouldn't want to eat it. (No, it's not the one in the photo.)