
I think I mentioned before that beside the rolling stock not much has changed on the Alishan Forest Railway.

I think I mentioned before that beside the rolling stock not much has changed on the Alishan Forest Railway. It does for example still run on pretty much the same tracks. Literally.

If you look at modern railway tracks, you will often find that the rails are being held in place with sturdy springs, which are secured with equally sturdy screws and nuts. Not here.

On the left is a switch, the only reason you see screws holding the rails. On the right is the regular track, held in place with - nails. This is not a museum exhibit, this is the live track where the trains to and from the mountain run every day.

Exciting, isn't it?


This was the fishion of Fune '86.

This was the fishion of Fune '86.

Quite in contrast to her son, Batma had never developed a preference for anthracite.

Quite in contrast to her son, Batma had never developed a preference for anthracite.


For years I didn't dare to make Stollen, until two years ago I just tried and found it wasn't difficult at all.

For years I didn't dare to make Stollen, until two years ago I just tried and found it wasn't difficult at all. Christmas is getting closer...


The annual 8kg, this time baked in just one day.

The annual 8kg, this time baked in just one day.