
Does anyone know what kind of snake this is?

Does anyone know what kind of snake this is? I know Taiwan has a number of snakes, but this is the first time one came into the house. (This is Taiwan, not Australia.)

It is rather tiny and the tigers went after it immediately. They were so wild they grabbed the snake and carried it away when I noticed and wanted to take a photo.

I wonder why the fellow came into the house, I thought a wolf and two tigers would be deterrent enough...


Ilona Fichtner said...

Normal ist der Schlangenbestand bei mir sehr übersichtlich, ausser ein Liebhaber geht mit seinen Tieren etwas lässig um. Du müsstest dir noch einen Mungo halten

MJ Gue said...

well, not a cobra, or a pit viper and doesnt have a triangular head, guess its not poisonous. might be a little phyton i guess

Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner said...

Interessant! Hab aber keine Ahnung davon.  Lang und dünn, sieht giftig aus. ;-)

Olaf Fichtner said...

MJ Gue I don't think I have heard of pythons here, but then the only one I can remember now is the 100-step snake, so called because you can still walk about 100 steps after a bite.

JAnnabelle said...

Looks like a non-venomous Taiwanese Beauty Snake aka Striped Tail Rat Snake

MJ Gue said...

if it has round pupils, might be a rat snake,

Olaf Fichtner said...

Ah, thanks! I've sent the fellow to the backside, to the bamboo forest. It really was a tiny one, less than a centimeter in diameter.

Heidi Adick said...

It may have been seeking a cool spot. Also there may be frogs or rats that it sensed and looking for food. We get all kinds of snakes in Hong Kong - big and small, venomous, poisonous and harmless. We do get Burmese pythons. They're pretty scary and are protected.