
Moderate rebels, fundamentalists - where is the difference?

Moderate rebels, fundamentalists - where is the difference?

I had seen videos of fighting in Syria before and had noticed how the "moderate rebels" would loudly praise their god each time they hit something. Recently, while trying to find out the model of an AA gun I came across this video.

According to Wikipedia and other sources, Sham Legion are "really, really moderate" compared to other "rebel" groups. This video is a self representation. Taking away the logo display it is shorter than a minute. Yet in that time the man behind the camera (I didn't include the others) praised his god 16 (sixteen) times, which results in less than four seconds between two praises.

So if this is the frequency at which "moderate" Islamists have to praise their god, how often would fundamentalists do that? Can anyone provide a video?

And why do I wonder if those people would allow non-followers to live among them...

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