
IoT needs ladders

IoT needs ladders

This is ingenious! Revolutionary! Disruptive! Whatever...

The most amazing thing about this idea is probably how detached people can get from reality. This is right up with Sony's music download card, where one had to go to a store to purchase a physical card, take it home and then use data on that card to download music. Incredibly simple and straightforward.

But that was yesterday, today we have the cloud and IoT. Btw, a device is "smart" if you can control it with your phone, touching a virtual switch on your phone instead of a physical one. Don't let anyone tell you anything else. IoT is smartphone. And cloud. And brain damage. Which leads to the disastrous problem of not remembering which app can switch on which light. Luckily for all of us, there is an academic solution:

You just take your phone to the device you want to control, let both touch and voilà: Your phone will show you the controls for the device! Simpletons like me may think "I'm touching the thing, why don't I touch its switch right away?" But that is so 20th century...

I wonder, would I need to climb a ladder to touch each light separately or may I just touch the switch? For diehard IoT fans that switch would probably just be a power on/off switch, controlling those wonderful WiFi bulbs requires a phone, of course.

So, ladder?

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