
Do you remember how Western media (at least many of them) reported about the liberation of Aleppo, how Western...

Do you remember how Western media (at least many of them) reported about the liberation of Aleppo, how Western governments responded with sanctions against Russia and Syria? Good.

Here we have Raqqa, also in Syria, currently being liberated on the ground mainly by SDF, while being bombed by Western airforces. Yesterday those bombardments resulted in the deaths of at least 42 civilians, among them 19 children. Please prepare for the outcry in Western media, the calls for sanctions against the bombing countries.

On second thought: No. You don't need to prepare for what is not going to happen. See, the "Syrian Observatory for Human Rights" (Yes, that one-man office in London.) says that in the last eight days at least 167 civilians have been killed in airstrikes. Remember the headlines? No? See, no worries.

Airwars (the website tracking strikes in Syria and Iraq) estimates 4800 to 7500 civilian deaths by Western airstrikes since 2014, the West speaks of 624 in that time. Do you remember the outcries, the drastic sanctions? No? I told you, no worries. Syrians are only important when they were killed by the right people, or when their deaths are blamed on the right people. Otherwise they are just numbers, some unavoidable collateral damage...

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