
The last supper pizza

The last supper pizza

Friday was the last class our fourth-year students had at this university and they had asked for another homemade pizza, so I made two. It took some time, but they finished both. I wish them good luck in their life and hope I could help preparing them for what is awaiting them...

#nkust #ifad #高科大 #應徳系


Jörg Walossek said...

Do they just instagram it - or do youth still eat pizza?

Olaf Fichtner said...

Jörg Walossek they did eat - after everyone was done photographing.

Jörg Walossek said...

=)) just asking. Else I would have gladly helped out with eating - I'm pretty good at it.

蔡佩倚 said...

Die beste Pizza in der Welt😍

Olaf Fichtner said...

蔡佩倚 selbstgemacht schmeckt immer gut, Katharina...