
Yeast Braids (Hefezopf)

Yeast Braids (Hefezopf)

The first were... the first. The next batch was better. We made two kinds of yeast braid, regular and Easter version. 1kg flour was used - and it wasn't quite enough. Next week we really need to use some more.

After a few weeks of baking, our first year is now not afraid of recipes in German anymore, which is a good side effect. I wonder how they will hold up in my writing course next semester...

#nkust #ifad #高科大 #應徳系


Ilona Fichtner said...

Sehen super aus. Bekomme Lust auf Zopf

H. - W. Becker said...

Wie Hefezopf in Taiwan. Ist doch ein altes deutsches arme Leute Brot. Was es nicht alles gibt. Sehr schöne Fotos Olaf.

Like Hefezopf in Taiwan. It's an old German poor people's bread. What does not exist. Very nice photos Olaf.