
October fest...

October fest...

I think it can be called a success. The student council this year was very worried (because of last year's bad sales), but also way more committed to do things right.

This year we had a grill, two even, made German-style toast to accompany the roasted sausages, had apple crumb cake - and everything was gone in no time. When I went to get a piece of cake for a guest I couldn't even see a slice of toast, everything was empty. I hope the student council finally made some money.

There was of course also some cultural program. I was surprised to see so many of our second-year students involved with music: I knew there was a girl in the guitar club, but now I saw two with the rock club and quite a few students in the acapella club - nice. I should also have a video somewhere of our students dancing...

#nkust #ifad #高科大 #應德系


Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner said...

Ja, ja deutsches "Kulturgut" erobert die Welt 😉🍺🍻 Wo sind Bratwurst und Brot her? Kann man das in Taiwan kaufen?

Olaf Fichtner said...

Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner Brot wurde selbst gebacken, Bratwurst wurde gekauft. Die Wurst war nicht ganz so gut wie vom Dealer meines Vertrauens, aber immer noch OK.