
Octopus spaghetti, or rather, as my students put it, jellyfish spaghetti.

Octopus spaghetti, or rather, as my students put it, jellyfish spaghetti. I need to come up with something new for the next meeting with my students...


Olaf Fichtner said...

Here are some jellyfish spaghetti in their natural habitat...https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/fVDei4xjogY8s4yROsoqlwtf-nnfuO1NODlJjTCE21I7pgt297pQ57vTSM4caS_RjnUbNJHVy0M

Dave Sutton said...

I really love real octopus but not sure about these

Olaf Fichtner said...

Dave Sutton they are mainly fun, ideal for children. Which (I hope they don't read this...) some of our students more or less are...

Dave Sutton said...

Olaf Fichtner If you are using spam I would like them

Olaf Fichtner said...

Dave Sutton you can. You only need something meaty or otherwise that allows to stick spaghetti into it and can be boiled. Don't make the pieces too long/deep, because the water has a hard time to get to that spaghetti part stuck inside.

Donal von Griffyn said...

I used to make these for my roommate all the time back when we were starving student types. I called them 'Flying Spaghetti Monsters' because we both took a lot of comparative religion courses and are particularly fond of the FSM brand of 'beliefs'.

Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner said...

Das musst Du Dir patentieren lassen 😉

Olaf Fichtner said...

Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner hab ich ja auch nur vom Internet...😁

Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner said...

Olaf Fichtner
Aha! 😁

Gizmew said...

This is such a cool idea! I love these sorts of things that make food look like fun. Traditional Japanese Bento boxes are great for this.

Olaf Fichtner said...

Gizmew I think I may even have seen this here on G+. I got quite a few ideas from posts here, like potato roses or cookie figures hugging almonds or cashews.