
Apparently, watching bread rolls bake beats watching paint dry or watching grass grow. That oven needs a webcam...

Apparently, watching bread rolls bake beats watching paint dry or watching grass grow. That oven needs a webcam...

#nkfust #ifad #高科大 #應德系


Steven Hess said...

Well stuff actually happens during baking. But yet. Not exciting at all.

Olaf Fichtner said...

Steven Hess it's still pretty slo-mo. But the student with the yellow phone did indeed record the whole process on video...

Steven Hess said...

How many of them have a western style oven in their homes? Is it common? Novelty could be a answer.

Olaf Fichtner said...

The kind of oven you see on the right - none of them. (Not even I have.) But most of them have seen this oven for more than three years, the novelty lies in the bread rolls, they never made any before.

Satyr Icon said...

I miss the good ole days of Okstupid. I use to put a chicken in the oven and have a camera trained on it. Then post an article with heading like "Hot chick!" I'd get lots of women coming along and commenting, seeing how it was going.

Nowadays OkStupid has been bought out by match and the forum (along with a bajillion other features) are gorn!

Wilco Roos said...

I can not wait to see my own rolls and loafs rise and bake again!
I have seen the same curiosity from my grandson, as he never had seen home made bread baked 😊
He loved the making of it and getting his hands in the dough, but the baking had him on a 40 minute watch, he could not believe you could do that yourself.

Olaf Fichtner said...

Wilco Roos right, it's actually so easy as soon as you've done it once. But those who never did may think it's magic.