
Today I made "kalter Hund" (cold dog, although in English the proper name for this cake seems to be hedgehog...

Today I made "kalter Hund" (cold dog, although in English the proper name for this cake seems to be hedgehog something) with a few students. Everyone present in the department office agreed that this needs to be made again, despite my warning that it is a calories bomb.

If you don't know this cake, it's very easy to make (no baking involved, only a fridge is needed) if you have access to hard palm oil and suitable cookies.

You basically mix your own chocolate out of coconut fat/palm oil (we used butter today), eggs, cocoa and sugar, then you lay layer by layer of cookies into your mold, separated by the chocolate mix. In the adult version, cookies are soaked in rum.

This cake should stay in the fridge for at least a day, preferably a week, so I had prepared another one for eating today. Btw, the current world record for the longest such cake is 540m, held by a school in Berlin.

#nkfust #ifad #高科大 #應徳系


Ilona Fichtner said...

Lecker in allen Variationen, leider Kalorienbombe, aber für den Kindergeburtstag immer ein Hit.

Olaf Fichtner said...

Kam auch im Fachbereich gut an, bei allen Altersgruppen...