
Congratulations! You just reinvented the reflector!

Congratulations! You just reinvented the reflector!

For half their research grants I promise to reinvent the director within a month...

For those not familiar with RF: This has all been known for a long time. Just look at the Yagi Uda antenna (your terrestrial TV antenna):


Reflectors have also been known in all kinds of shapes and it is well known that beams are shaped by reflectors. If you look at a satellite dish, the dish is the reflector. You may also have seen TV antennas with a vertical mesh at one end, or one that is V-shaped.

So, this is not new at all. What it however is in many countries is illegal, because there are regulations regarding the field strengths created by WiFi or other devices. Focussing the radiation into a beam will exceed that field strength in certain areas around the antenna (within the beam), which is often not allowed.

So, congratulations... And if someone has some research funds to burn, I'll gladly be of assistance...


Steven Hess said...

I wonder what already discovered RF properties they'll "discover" next LOL.

Robert Partridge said...

Didn't we already do this 20 yrs ago w/ a Pringles can?

Steven Hess said...

Robert Partridge Yes..

Olaf Fichtner said...

Robert Partridge pretty much 20 years ago I did this with empty soda cans, building a somehow parabolic reflector wall around my mobile because our monthly club meeting was in a restaurant with terrible reception...