
彰化今天好像有mission day。不過,都是黃軍…

彰化今天好像有mission day。不過,都是黃軍…
看起來他們不在玩#ingress …


Olaf Fichtner said...

Explanation for those not familiar with Chinese and Taiwan: There is a religious activity in Changhua today where people follow the steps of Mazu, more or less. They do so carrying those yellow ribbon sticks, so they do look a bit like Ingress players during a mission day, with the small difference that their colour is yellow, not green or blue.

古谷哥 said...


Olaf Fichtner said...

古谷哥 只有他們褲子是藍色,我們今天看到他們每次叫他們“黃軍”。某個媽祖相關活動…

古谷哥 said...

Olaf Fichtner 哈哈 原来如此

Olaf Fichtner said...

古谷哥 他們跟Ingress玩家一樣走路,騎腳踏車,摩托車,開車,一直標他們黃色的棍子或一些紅色的旗子,所以我們整天開玩笑說“啊,又是一群ingress玩家”。