
While this article has Jeremy Corbin in its headline, it deals with UK politics in general and reminds us of how a...

While this article has Jeremy Corbin in its headline, it deals with UK politics in general and reminds us of how a government in a democracy should behave.

There was a joke in the US after 9/11: a trucker with 11 US flags on his truck says to a trucker with nine US flags on his truck "Why don't you go back to your Al-Queda pals?" Lack of patriotism is a stint no politician wants on him/herself. Patriotism, the unquestioned loyalty to a local group, whatever they do.

It's interesting that patriotism is so important for many politicians, especially when they are otherwise rambling about globalization and the "global village" - while their own village extends only so far as their voters live. Everyone outside is either of no interest or even considered an enemy.

So Jeremy Corbin did something very strange: He followed a basic principle of a democracy and asked to wait for evidence before jumping to conclusions and accusing anyone or even acting. The UK government did the opposite. While Theresa May tried to phrase her statements in a way that would keep her from being held responsible, Boris Johnson was less subtle. Will he have to step back? I doubt it.

When the UK government asked other countries to show solidarity by expelling Russian diplomats, France also remembered the principle of innocent until proven guilty and asked for more evidence. Germany didn't. If you can't follow the basic principles you allegedly are so proud of, the principles that distinguish you from the "bad guys" - dictatorships, autocracies - how much better than the bad guys are you then?

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