
Hey hey, she saved the world today

Hey hey, she saved the world today,
Everybody's happy now the good thing's here to stay...

There are btw more musicians with academic credentials who could be considered for such positions. How about someone with a PhD in astrophysics...?


Via Josain Zsun

Originally shared by Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU)

Royal Academician, singer songwriter, highly-respected social activist and philanthropist, Dr Annie Lennox OBE is to become the new Chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University.

Annie said: “It is truly a remarkable honour to be invited to become Chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University. I am humbled by it, and intend to serve this outstanding institution in the very best way I can. Following in the footsteps of such an exemplary individual as Muhammad Yunus is somewhat daunting, but I’m very much looking forward to working with everyone in a collaborative way, so I can be of good value to the students and the establishment of the University.”


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