
This is expensive chocolate: 100g cost almost USD 16… Photo was taken at Miyahara Ice Cream in Taichung.

This is expensive chocolate: 100g cost almost USD 16… Photo was taken at Miyahara Ice Cream in Taichung. (Yes, they also sell a few other things.)


Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner said...

Ganz schön happig der Preis. Was ist daran so besonders?

JAnnabelle said...

Special "herbs" eh?

Olaf Fichtner said...

Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner JAnnabelle they have a few special flavours, like the one barely visible on the right on the lower level (slightly spicy), but I wouldn't usually buy there. They do however know a thing or two about chocolate, those in the photo are for example being kept at 17C and when I buy something they will wrap it in thermal protection, so I can get it home safely.

The wrapping and decorations are very nice and thought through. Yesterday it did rain again, so they put transparent plastic bags upside down on their bags, but with small openings so you can still carry the bag - rain gear for your shopping bag... When I left, a group of Japanese tourists poured in and started photographing. I'm sure they also bought a thing or two.