
Another Wednesday, another baking activity with students.

Another Wednesday, another baking activity with students. Today I had quite a few first-timers from the second year. Not sure if they came for the apple crumb cake or to practice German. (I only speak German during those activities...)

Our student council was there again, to calculate costs and evaluate possible popularity and selling prices, because we want to do these for our October Fest celebration in a month.

There was even an exchange student from Germany, Berlin even, studying at another campus. Next week we'll do all this one more time, for training. I really like that the current student council wants to do it right, they are pretty passionate about this.

#nkust #ifad #高科大 #應德系


Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner said...

Das sieht wieder sehr verführerisch aus 😋✌️

Olaf Fichtner said...

Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner hat scheinbar auch allen geschmeckt. Jetzt muss es nur noch in einem Monat genauso klappen...

Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner said...

Olaf Fichtner
Das klappt schon, wie ich das so sehe 😃

Olaf Fichtner said...

Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner hoffentlich. Unser derzeitiger Studentenrat klemmt sich jedenfalls gut dahinter.

Hilbersdorfer Museumseisenbahner said...

Olaf Fichtner
Die wissen eben was gut schmeckt 😁