
Sorry, but you got it all wrong.

Sorry, but you got it all wrong. First of all three words: Federation Of Planets. That's what they worked for, that's what they stood for: an alliance comprising not only a few countries (Remember, there are no countries in Star Trek and no money...), but several civilizations, several races. "Races" here meaning something like Klingons, Vulcans, not "people from outside our island", with which Brexiteers seem to have so many problems.

You say you admire how the people in Star Trek stand for their ideals. Yes, because they are ideals worth standing for. What is so glorious about Brexit that is worth standing for? Which part of Brexit will help our civilization move forward? The one where food in the UK may run out within a year?

And talking of standing for something: Nigel Farage has become rather quiet now. At least he doesn't need to worry about the future, having his EU pension that he will not give up. Jim Radcliffe is not the only leading Brexiteer leaving for safer countries. And then there were the guys who publicly declare Russia the archenemy, but secretly take millions from them. That is your Brexit and it is nothing like Star Trek. Except... Well, there's the Ferengi, they may be somehow similar.

Oh and by the way: Attacking spelling instead of content is usually a sign that you ran out of arguments...

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